Belfius MasterCard Gold

Credit card details

Card limit:

2500 euros


78 euros per year


  • Trip annulation and cancellation insurance
  • Insurance for goods bought online
  • Earn rebates Épargnez & Cueillez for 5 EUR and take advantage of promotions and benefits offered by Mastercard Premium club.


With Belfius Mastercard Gold you can pay safe and easily anywhere in Belgium, abroad and on the internet. Belfius Mastercard Gold credit card it's coming with a generous package of insurances like travel cancellation insurance and protection of purchases against theft or damage.

With Belfius Mastercard Gold you can win discounts at Épargnez & Cueillez, for 5 euro you can benefit from promotions in Mastercard Premium Club travel sector.

Belfius Mastercard Gold offers a spending limit of 2.500 euro and if you have less than 29 years old you have the first year of utilization free.

You can use your Belfius Mastercard Gold to withdraw money all over the world

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