Do you need to make some unexpected expenses? Don't stress, thanks to your cash reserve credit card. But what kind of credit card is this? It is a card with a certain amount of cash reserve that you can spend monthly. But how do they differ from regular credit cards? With this type of credit card you don't have to pay back your spendings at the end of the month. Which is the case for ordinary or classic credit cards. Another difference lies in the fact that these type of credit cards are often not linked to a bank. You often don't even need any bank account, as you open a credit line at a credit provider. You pay back your purchases on your own pace. And you don't have to explain yourself to anyone.

However, let's be upfront. There are some limitations. Keep in mind that you will pay interest on the outstanding amount that you owe your credit card provider. This interest can be quite high. Furthermore, a lot of providers maintain a certain percentage of the outstanding amount that needs to be redeemed monthly. So for example, when you owe €500 and you have to pay at least 5% back per month, this will be €25 per month. And last but definitely not least important. Cash reserve credit cards always have a certain usage limit, this can be €500 but it can also be €10.000. So you will be restricted in how much you can spend.

The advantages:

A big benefit from these cash reserve credit cards is that they give the possibility the pay back in installments: pay back one month later, make staggered reimbursements, pay in 3 tot 12 installments, or pay back over several weeks.

Which kind of cash reserve benefits appeal the most to you? Choose a cash reserve card that suits your needs the most and you will be able to fully enjoy its amazing benefits. However, spend responsibly. Don't spend more than you can afford the following months.

What are the credit cards with a cash reserve in Belgium? Read on to discover the attractive options that several credit cards have to offer you.


Check the list of available credit cards!


Axa Bank Visa Classic

Axa Bank Visa Classic


Card limit:

2500 euros


0 euros/year
  • No transaction fees for online, store or restaurant payments
  • Accepted by millions of businesses worldwide
  • Online purchases made in no time
  • Cash withdrawals everywhere (there are transaction costs)
  • Buy now and pay up to 1 month later

With Visa Classic from Axa Bank, you have everyday money in your pocket everywhere you travel.

The Axa Bank credit card has a limit of 2500 Euro which you can use to pay safely anywhere in the world: in shops, restaurants, and hotels without having any transaction fees.

Buy now and pay one month later. You can track all your purchases in real time.

If you open a start2bank free account at Axa Bank the credit card Visa Classic will cost only 2 euros per month.

  • Free credit cards
  • Cash reserve
Not available

Argenta MasterCard

Argenta MasterCard


Card limit:

1250 euros


0 euros/year
  • Initial cost of the card: free
  • Card replacement in case of loss or theft: free
  • Payments in Europe: free

Mastercard credit card from Argenta Bank comes with a spending limit of 1250 euro per month, the initial cost of the card is free and card replacement in case of loss or theft is also free.

Payments made with Mastercard credit card from Argenta are free inside euro zone.

  • Free credit cards
  • Cash reserve
Not available

Buy Way Mastercard

Buy Way Mastercard


Card limit:

1250 euros


0 euros/year


  • Transfer money from your credit card to your current account
  • Possibility to pay back in monthly installments
  • Pay in more than 36 million stores in Belgium and abroad or over the internet
  • Free credit cards
  • Cash reserve
  • Pay back in installments
Not available

Carrefour Finance Visa Basic

Carrefour Finance Visa Basic


Card limit:

0 euros


0 euros/year


  • the possibility of paying like with a bank card, free credit until the end of the month or credit
  • pay in 3 or 12 installments (TDP 9.9%) your purchases from 300 euro to all euro-zone traders
  • Carrefour Bonus Card integrated: only one card to make your purchases and accumulate your loyalty points
  • pay in 3 or 12 installments (TDP 0%) your purchases from 75 euro in your Carrefour hypermarket, without fees or interest
  • up to 10% on everyday purchases in your Carrefour hypermarket
  • Visa Days: every Thursday, receive 5 euro per 100 euro purchase in your Carrefour hypermarket
  • 10% discount on all car rentals at Europcar
  • Cash reserve
  • Contactless
Not available

Cetelem Maestro

Cetelem Maestro


Card limit:

1250 euros


0 euros/year


  • I have a cash reserve ranging from € 1,250 to € 3,000, available at any time thanks to my Cetelem Maestro® card
  • I have a personal web space to manage my account 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Possibility to pay back in monthly installments
  • Free credit cards
  • Cash reserve
Not available

Europabank Visa

Europabank Visa


Card limit:

2500 euros


0 euros/year
  • You can pay for your purchases on the inetrnet in a secure way
  • You can pay for your purchases later: at the beginning of the following month, without interest
  • You can make contactless payments with any new Visa credit cards issued by Europabank
  • Free credit cards
  • Cash reserve
  • Contactless
Not available

Europabank MasterCard

Europabank MasterCard


Card limit:

2500 euros


0 euros/year
  • You can pay for your purchases on the inetrnet in a secure way
  • You can pay for your purchases later: at the beginning of the following month, without interest
  • Free credit cards
  • Cash reserve
  • Contactless
Not available

Keytrade Visa Classic

Keytrade Visa Classic


Card limit:

1250 euros


0 euros/year
  • FREE for the first year. This advantage will be extended every year if you have made at least 12 transactions in the previous year. If not 25 euro/year.
  • Take advantage of the special offers with the "Epargnez & Cueillez" programme
  • Ideal card for 100% secure online purchases
  • Collection of amounts due at the beginning of the next month
  • Additional "Safe Online" insurance
  • Monthly statement for your transactions available online

For the credit card VISA Classic the first year is free. If you have minimum 12 transactions per year the card is still free, if not the card fees are 25 euro. The card comes with a monthly limit of 1250 euro.

With Visa Classic from Keytrade, advantage of the special offers with the "Epargnez & Cueillez" program.

The credit card is accepted by more than 30 million merchants worldwide. Visa Classic from Keytrade is 100% secure online shopping.

  • Best deals
  • Purchase protection
  • Free credit cards
  • Cash reserve
Not available

Fintro Visa Blue

Fintro Visa Blue


Card limit:

2500 euros


22 euros/year


  • Pay anywhere in the world and on the Internet
  • Pay back at your own pace
  • If you sign up for an account Blue Sky Club, you have two Visa cards free of charge
  • Cash reserve
Not available

Hello bank Visa Classic

Hello bank Visa Classic


Card limit:

2500 euros


22 euros/year
  • A Hello Credit card accepted everywhere in the world.
  • A free deferred repayment of amounts spent that can go up to several weeks.
  • A spending limit to stay reasonable.
  • All that for just €1,83 per month (or €22 per year). If you subscribe to the Hello4You offer, then it’s free the first year and then it’s 50% off until you turn 28.

An international Visa Classic goes with secure online shopping, in shops, and cash withdrawals at ATMs across the world. Even better: a free deferred repayment.

Just what you need to buy yourself that electrical bike without having to wait for your next salary.

  • Cash reserve
  • Contactless
Not available

BPost Mastercard

BPost Mastercard


Card limit:

5000 euros


24 euros/year


  • Paying and withdrawing money worldwide
  • You can pay for online purchases
  • You can make staggered reimbursements
  • Free for the first year, then 17,50 euro/year
  • Free credit cards
  • Cash reserve
Not available

Carrefour Finance Visa Classic

Carrefour Finance Visa Classic


Card limit:

0 euros


24 euros/year


  • the possibility of paying like with a bank card, free credit until the end of the month or credit
  • pay in 3 or 12 instalments (TDP 9.9%) your purchases from 300 euro to all euro-zone traders
  • Carrefour Bonus Card integrated: only one card to make your purchases and accumulate your loyalty points
  • pay in 3 or 12 instalments (TDP 0%) your purchases from 75 euro in your Carrefour hypermarket, without fees or interest
  • up to 10% on everyday purchases in your Carrefour hypermarket
  • Visa Days: every Thursday, receive 5 euro per 100 euro purchase in your Carrefour hypermarket
  • 10% discount on all car rentals at Europcar
  • the Classic travel insurance which covers: medical expenses up to € 10,000, expenses in case of death, repatriation in Belgium
  • the Classic travel insurance abroad which includes: delay or cancellation of the flight, loss or delay of luggage, death
  • Free credit cards
  • Cash reserve
  • Contactless
Not available


Card limit:




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